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Elite’s Back-to-School Survival Guide

Happy 2017-2018 school year! Many families all across the nation spent the past month getting their children back into the school week routine. That includes hunting for bargains during school supplies shopping, picking out the trendiest backpack for your child to wear, and making sure that class schedules are up to par. In the midst of so much prep, we want to offer four tips to help maximize the beginning of a new school year.

  1. Make a List, and Check It Twice

Teachers work hard to compile supply lists for their classroom, but there’s often a ton of overlap. Cut overspending by consolidating your entire school shopping list into one master list. Even across various grade levels for all of the children in your home, some items like Kleenexes, writing utensils and hand sanitizer are staples that you can buy in bulk.


  1. Don’t Skip Your Wheaties

Testing days are not the only times to ensure that kids fuel up in the morning. After a summer of junk foods, ice cream and imbalanced schedules, reinstating a nutritional breakfast starts your child’s day off right. Out of ideas or time? Here are some quick and easy breakfast recipe ideas that are perfect for the most ambitious home chefs and the kitchen newbies.


  1. Nighty-Night, Don’t Let the Bedbugs Bite

This tip goes hand in hand with eating a healthy breakfast because it directly contributes to your child’s behavior and outlook. Enforcing a bedtime that allows for eight hours of sleep minimize will boost your child’s wakefulness, energy levels and productivity. Not to mention, the brain converts short-term knowledge into long-term knowledge during REM sleep, so it is the prime time for the lessons to solidify in your child’s mind. It doesn’t hurt to have a few hours of down


  1. Make the Most of the Weekend

After a long week of class changes and homework assignments, Friday afternoon will come as a huge respite for your children. Take advantage of the first weekend to indulge in the last vestiges of summertime activities and give your child a well-earned break. Pool time, anyone?