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HAPPY 4th of JULY!

beautiful colorful firework at night Fireworks fireworks stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

Did you know that 84% of Americans will celebrate the 4th of July and that 150 million hot dogs will be eaten?!

The 4th of July is not just a day of BBQ’s, Beaches and Books with a BANG, but a day to spend quality time with friends and family. So to help you and your family get into the Spirit of 1776, we’ve put together some fun facts so you can show off your Independence Day smarts  with our Stars and Stripes Trivia. 

Hot Dog Hot Dog hotdogs stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

A little warm up. Did you know…

America actually declared independence on July 2, 1776 . That was the day delegates from the Thirteen Colonies met (The Second Continental Congress) to approve a resolution for independence from Britian……that’s right, the Declaration of Independence. It was officially approved on the 4th. 

2 of the signers of the Declaration of Independence became President, and in a strange twist of fun fact history, Thomas Jefferson, 82 and John Adams, 90 both passed away on July 4th, 1826 within five hours of each other on the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. 

STARS AND STRIPES TRIVIA (answers at the bottom of page)

1. How many people signed the Declaration of Independence? 

2. What year were fireworks first used to celebrate Independence Day?

3.How much money do Americans spend on fireworks every year?

4. How many stars and stripes does the US flag have?

5. Who designed the 50 star flag?

6. In Philadelphia, Pa. The Liberty Bell is rung how many times on the 4th of July?

7. Can you name the Thirteen Colonies?

8. What is the USA’s national animal?

9. **Bonus Question: Guess which company just got on the 2024 Best Service list on Newsweek? We did! (Cue Fireworks!)

So If you need help with some of that American History or helping your Summer Scholars with their Independent learning, Flag up an award winning company. We are here and look forward to hearing from you!


1) 56   2)1777 – the very first year the 4th of July was celebrated. 3) Americans spend more than 1 billion on fireworks each year! 4) 50 stars for States and 13 stripes for Colonies. 5) Though there are contending stories on who designed the original flag, the 50 stars (changed for Hawaii and Alaska) was designed by 16 year old Robert G. Heft of Ohio, as a history class assignment…for which he got a B-. Don’t worry when his design was accepted by the White House his grade was changed to an A!  6) 13 times-One ring for each Colony  7)Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, and Virginia.  8) American bison. The bald eagle is the national bird.